The EPDA a forum for the views and opinions of drivers who actively work in the industry. The most common issues in no particular order are as follows:
1. Motorway Signage
To provide motorists with an understanding that HGV drivers are not allowed in the outside lane of a motorway or dual carriageway there should be signage demonstrating this rule.
2. Distance Markers
Signage to let drivers know where they are at any given time. This very important in the event of an emergency, it allows drivers to give very accurate location guide to the emergency services.
3. HGV Overtaking Rule
Not allowing HGV’s to overtake on he motorway network is very difficult to understand. There should be sections allocated for HGV overtaking. This would be common on the motorway network throughout Europe. It is ill considered to expect a driver to driver from Dublin to Cork and remain behind a vehicle travelling at 65 KPH when they could legally travel at 90 KPH.
4. Service Areas
Main line services are not available to provide the professional driver with basic hygiene requirements. The large motorway service stations do not provide adequate service for professional drivers after midnight.
5. Cyclist Protection
Cyclists and HGV drivers need to have better support in relation to sharing the road particularly in built up urban areas.
6. Road Worthiness Certificate
A certificate of road worthiness should be displayed on the windscreen the same as the tax and insurance disc. A driver could receive 5 penalty points for driving a vehicle without a certificate of road worthiness. Under the current scheme a is a driver may not know if the vehicle has one.
7. Load Restraining and Stability
Drivers require clearer direction and training on load restraining. Vehicle load stability training is fundamental to proper vehicle control, drivers should have more access to training in this area.