Ireland’s leadership on road safety is “a model for the European Union”
Ireland takes home 2019 ETSC Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Award Ireland is the winner of this year’s European Transport Safety Council Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) award. The annual award is presented to a European country that has demonstrated continued progress on road safety combined with a strategic approach to tackling the problem across government. Read more >>>>>
Technology replacing truck drivers with steering wheel attendants I can see a time in the near future when all the truck drivers have disappeared and been replaced by steering wheel attendants. The freight will still move and to the outside world, nothing will have changed – until there’s a malfunction in one of the systems and the steering wheel attendant doesn’t know how to react, because all the basic skills of keeping a truck on the road have been eroded due to years of having everything done for them by a computer – and there’s a catastrophe. It’s a scary thought. >>>> read more >>>>>
Professional Drivers Can Help Reduce Fatalities Statistics show that Dublin, Cork and Galway had the highest number of Road Traffic Collision (RTC) fatalities in November and December and accounted for almost 32% , that one in three of the total number of fatalities that occurred.
The most prevalent times of day were between 16.00 – 20.00 33% and 12.00-16.00 23%, followed by 00.00-06.00 22%. Read more………. ___________________________________
2017 Driver Health & Wellness Survey

The 2017 EPDA driver wellness survey was undertaken to gain an insight into the health of our long distance coach and HGV drivers. Significantly the initial results are showing that the role of the long distance driver should come with serious health warnings. It is important at this point to say that there are some long distance drivers who are in good general health however they are very much so in the minority. ….read more

Truckers had enough of unworkable political interventions and take matters into their own hands. Below is a report from yesterdays France 24.
© AFP / by Sylvie HUSSON | Union activists stand by transport trucks, blocking access to the Frejus tunnel, close to the border between France and Italy in Modane Hundreds of truckers blocked France’s borders with Italy and Belgium on Tuesday, angry at EU rule changes that they say fail to protect them from low-cost eastern European competition.
Drivers began blocking the Frejus tunnel in Modane, eastern France, before dawn, at one point leaving more than 200 heavy goods trucks waiting to cross into Italy.
Macron has been pushing for a revamp of the Posted Workers Directive, which allows workers from lower-wage countries such as Poland to work temporarily in richer EU nations… more
Rain Weather Warning Heavy rain will cause traffic distribution in the Dublin area on Wednesday 22nd Nov. Extra journey times are expected particularly at rush hour. Allow extra time and ensure that you watch out for those less skilled drivers who find these conditions very challenging.
Wind Warning for Galway, Mayo, Clare, Cork and KerryHurricane Ophelia is expected to transition to a post tropical storm as it approaches our shores on Monday bringing severe winds and stormy conditions . Mean wind speeds in excess of 80 km/h and gusts in excess of 130km/h are expected, potentially causing structural damage and disruption, with dangerous marine conditions due to high seas and potential flooding. Issued:Saturday 14 October 2017 13:18 Valid: Monday 16 October 2017 09:00 to Tuesday 17 October 2017 03:00
Wind Warning for The rest of the countryHurricane Ophelia is expected to transition to a post tropical storm as it approaches our shores on Monday. Mean wind speeds between 65 and 80 km/h with gusts between 110 and 130km/h are expected, however some inland areas may not be quite as severe. The winds have potential to cause structural damage and disruption, with dangerous marine conditions due to high seas and potential flooding. Issued: Saturday 14 October 2017 13:21 Valid: Monday 16 October 2017 09:00 to Tuesday 17 October 2017 03:00
Be prepared ………….top tips
Driver CPC Review
If you would like to make your views and or opinions known on the Driver CPC, the EPDA are holding a CPC review meeting to evaluate the contribution that the Driver CPC has made since coming into force in 2008 and to report on the RSA’s views on the current and future format of the training.
Meeting information is as follows:
Date: Saturday 21st October 2017 Time: 10.00 to 11.30 Venue: West County Hotel Chapelizod Dublin 20
For further information: Email;
Driver Health & Wellness Survey Next Clinic Coach Drivers Thursday 12th October Wednesday 18th October Tuesday 24th October 15.00 – 20.00 Topaz Dublin Port
*All local, national and long-haul drivers are invited to participate in the 2017 Professional Driver Health & Wellness Survey. Please ask for the EPDA at Topaz in Dublin Port. Your Support will be much appreciated.
The survey has already started and the feedback and support from drivers has been very encouraging. The health check takes 10 minutes to complete and the results follow ten minutes after. Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and Body Mass Index are all provided Free to HGV and Coach drivers only.
The Clinician, Theresa gives Alex the all clear………….
Topaz Dublin Port
Wednesday 14th June 7pm – 9pm No Appointment Necessary No Fasting Required 10 Minutes to Test Results in 10 minutes
Join The EPDA Now……… EPDA Members Benefit From – Accurate up to date information on amendments to rules and regulations – Driver CPC Training from EPDA Recommended Training Centers Only € 40 – Legal Information and Support from Experts in Transport and Human Resources - Social Networking with Fellow Professional Drivers – E-zine with all of the latest News Access to Member Polls. – Get your Opinion Heard where it Matters.
Join now until the end of 2017 Only € 30 Limited to the first 500 members in 2017 Terms and Conditions Apply
The European Professional Drivers Association End of Year Report
2016 was a terrific year for the EPDA who represent the Professional Coach & HGV Drivers of Ireland. The executive committee met on seven occasions and worked selflessly on creating the ground work for professional driving culture on the island of Ireland. There are of course many challenges ahead and many issues to be addressed, however every journey starts with just one small step at a time. It is with a sense of pride that we list below our achievements in 2016:
- Additional Driver Facilities supplied at Aldi Distribution Centre Naas.
- Motorway Service Area Facilities submission to Transport Infrastructure Ireland to ensure that all new service areas are open 24/7 to provide full service.
- Driver Health Survey in conjunction with the RSA and the HSA and supported by Stena Lines. The survey will be the most in depth long distance professional HGV and Coach Driver health study ever undertaken in the state.
- A Revenue Submission on Driver expenses was identified and examined with a strategy in place to recoup unclaimed expenses. This is to ensure that Drivers receive the same tax benefits as other workers in the state.
- Motorway Signage re submission to the Department of Transport on the ‘No Overtaking’ signage requirement on the Motorway network is being sent to the Minister.
- Garda Siochana Traffic Corp are going to provide an open day for the Association members to allow Drivers to see first-hand how the Traffic Corp equipment works.
- HSA will address our meeting and provide support on work place safety issues.
The aim of the committee in 2016 was to establish solid foundations for the Association grow on. Rather than focus on a membership or sponsorship drive the committee focused on creating positive relations with the RSA the HSA and the EU Transport Commission. At their own expense, Committee members attended a number of conferences and seminars in Ireland and Brussels and have made the views of Professional Drivers known to transport and enforcement agencies in Ireland and across Europe.
The Association is very appreciative of the very valued support it received from William Brennan on legal matters and to Kevin Hurley for his guidance on taxation and revenue issues. Other committee members Joe Doyle, Mark White and Shane O’Shea made very positive contributions during the year. Walter Pisarnik did tremendous work integrating the coach drivers into the Association, his mastery in diplomacy and his ability to communicate the essential matters concerning all drivers was extremely beneficial in bringing the two disciplines together. Paul Banim and Chris Farrell gave the committee members clearer insights into the role of the National and International Driver.
2017 is really going to be a really fantastic year for the EPDA. With some exciting projects in play we can see the Association growing exponentially in 2017. I would like to thank the many Drivers who have contributed to the Association in 2016 and to some very supportive people in the background who made things happen for us. Without them, the work load would be just too much for our fledgling group.
If we were asked what stood out the most in 2016, we would have to say that it was learning first hand that Drivers are the most unrepresented industry group at local, national and international level, simply because they underestimate their skill and therefore undervalue their contribution to society.
If you want to support the EPDA or would like to set up a local unit, please email us at
What cannot be forgotten are the four Drivers who lost their lives at work in Ireland in 2016. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families, friends and colleagues who will be grieving for them at this time. We must always remember the dangers and the responsibilities that go with role of the Professional Driver. I would ask that you use your position as a Professional Driver to let your family and friends know that they should know and abide by the rules of the road. Don’t speed, wear your seat belt, and never drink or take drugs and drive.
The Committee of the EPDA, would like to thank all of those who supported our work in 2016 and those of you who worked in the background helping to make things happen. we are looking forward to working for you and for you in 2017. We know that there will be many Drivers working over the Christmas and New Year holiday period and that without your efforts and commitment to your employers, the holiday season would just not be the same.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity of wishing you and your families a very pleasant Christmas and a prosperous, healthy and safe 2017.
Executive Committee
Speed Kills
The RSA hosted a conference in Dublin Castle on the 28th of April on Intelligent Speed. Speakers at the conference outlined the progress being made in assisting road users in managing speed, they outlined the effect of speed on the outcomes of a collision and they spoke about best international practice. Two things stood out, one is that Speed Kills and the other is that it can happen to anyone at anytime. They spoke about the times that most fatal collisions take place, Friday evening to Monday morning in the age group 16- 34. We will put up a full report from the conference in due course.
The Conference was very well attended with experts in the field of road safety, Local Councils, and a good representation of Superintendents from An Garda Siochana. and one presentation from John Mc Carthy from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport should be made aware to all Professional HGV drivers. In the presentation Mr. Mc Carthy told the Audience that over 84% of Articulated truck speed on our Motorways, while 64% speed on our national roads. These you will no doubt agree are alarming statistics.
The EPDA would advise all drivers not to exceed the maximum speed limits 80Kph on the National Roads and 90Kph on the Motorway network. While some of you will of course question the validity of these statistics the attending audience did not show any surprise. We asked a Superintendent at the Conference if he taught these figures were correct and he said yes.
if this is the case it is a very poor reflection on Professional Drivers and it needs to be addressed urgently. The EPDA are setting up an investigation committee to look in detail at this area of excessive speeding. If you would like to offer suggestions or participate in the investigation please click here and we will be in contact.
Keep up to date with the latest news and transport developments with your free EPDA newsletter.
THE MOBILITY PACKAGE SO FAR A brief guide to the Council of Ministers’ and the European Parliament’s positions
THE MOBILITY PACKAGE IS NOT YET ADOPTED OR AGREED However, the Ministers of Transport of the 28 Member States (the “Council of Ministers”) and the European Parliament have each reached their own positions on it. In December 2019 they will get together again to start negotiating the final deal.… the latest update.
Professional Driver Register is on the Move
At a UICR meeting held in Gadmen, Switzerland over the weekend of the 15th to 17th November, a full agenda was presented to the board and invited guests of the UICR. The EPDA were represented by Walter Pisarnik and Barry Lyons. The aim of the meeting was three fold, firstly to make preparation plans for the forthcoming World Professional Driving Championships, secondly to review presentations made on projects of interest to the UICR and finally to assign UICR resources to specific projects.
The EPDA presented the Driver Register project that they have been developing. After the presentation there was a questions and answers session, with a considerable number of questions being asked by all attendees, demonstrating the interest in the project. At the end of the presentation the Board of the UICR overwhelmingly voted on fully supporting the project. President Robert Kastner will inform all twenty-three member countries to engage and provide support to the project. The UICR are committing three members to join the steering group developing the Register. The Driver Register is seen as a significant step towards professional recognition for drivers.
A meeting took place in Brussels to outline the financial support and mechanisms for availing of funding for the development of new service areas and upgrading of existing ones. There are two sources if funding €20 million from EU general funding and €40 million from the EU’s cohesion fund. In attendance were representatives for the various stakeholder bodies as well as DG Move, IRU, CEDR, UETR, EU Commission and ECG an association representation car transporter companies……read more
CO2 and Noise Pollution are two of the main negatives that temperature controlled haulage creates. But for drivers the problems can also include stress and fatigue.
One of our members sent in this picture of a service area advising drivers that they are not welcome to park their fridges overnight. So are services areas able to say who can and cant rest when tired.…….read more
New technologies are redefining the role of the professional driver…….Should you stay or should you go now.
The EPDA have appointed a team to work on the impact of technology on the role of the professional driver. Connected and automated vehicles are being integrated into the transport sector and with that change comes opportunity. Over the coming months we will look at all of the aspects of connected and automated vehicles. Our team headed up by EPDA Executive member Joe Doyle will examine and report on developments……….read more
The grim discovery of 39 human bodies found dead in the back of a temperature controlled trailer has shocked the road transport community. The discovery was made in an Essex Industrial estate on Wednesday the 23rd October. Our deepest sympathies go out to everyone affected by this most tragic event….read more.
Operation Brock Kent traffic management system after 31st October
In a no deal Brexit scenario, Operation Brock will play a vital role in minimising the impact of any disruption on routes to the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel. Operation Brock uses holding areas for HGV traffic, bound for the EU, to keep the M20 open in both directions in the event of disruption to services across the English Channel. These holding areas are in Kent at:
- A20 Dover TAP
- Brock contraflow between M20 J8-9
- Manston Airfield
- M26
Not all the holding areas would be used immediately, they will be deployed in sequence depending on the level of disruption. Motorists will begin to see changes in roads infrastructure from the 26 October when Highways England will close the M20 between junctions 7-9 overnight on the London-bound carriageway. This closure is to carry out necessary construction work to have Brock active from Monday 28 October.
Port of Dover and Eurotunnel
If you are travelling to Port of Dover or Eurotunnel:
You must follow all road signs, instructions and speed restrictions – do not rely on sat navs. Be ready to show that you have the right documentation to cross the border If you fail to comply with instructions, you may face fines and further delays.
Documentation to operate in the EU Hauliers and commercial drivers must make sure they have the correct documentation to operate in the EU.
If you have incorrect documentation, you may be prevented from proceeding to the border. If this happens you will have the option of going to a specific holding site where you will get advice on what you need to be ready to cross the border.
Read more information on what documentation you need
Test Pilots Wanted
The Sprinter Pro Driver Programme is in test phase and is looking for professional drivers to test out the free online training programme. Its available in five European languages and is designed to provide light Commercial Vehicle drivers with 32 hours of training in all aspects of the role. Check it out here for free…….
Dublin Port Close Call…Too Close for Comfort
On Wednesday the 21st August a driver exiting Dublin Port dropped the Container Tank he was carrying onto the roadway. From all reports the twist locks were not in the locked position. The driver was young the tractor unit was new and fortunately nobody was injured. We should all be concerned about this event. The question that needs to be asked to start to find out how to stop such occurrences is, why were the twist locks not locked? Interestingly DFT have just started to do induction on everyone entering the terminal and in the first part of their induction they tell drivers to unlock the twist locks before entering the terminal. What find of mixed messages are drivers getting here!
Driver Dies After Being Struck Loading In Dublin Port
A man in his 50s who died following a workplace accident on the docklands has been named locally as Nicholas Collier.
The truck driver died at around 10:30am on Wednesday morning after being hit by another vehicle while unloading a fridge. The matter is being investigated by An Garda Siochana and By the health & Safety Authority. While many drivers have spoken about safety concerns in Dublin Port it is unfortunate that it takes the life of a Driver to put the spot light on safety.
Vehicle as a Weapon of Attack
6th August 2019
The use of vehicles as a weapon to injure and kill people has become a real threat, which means people who operate and drive commercial vehicles need to act. It is vital that transport businesses adopt a responsible approach to security. The UK agencies, which are charged with protecting all members of society, have identified some simple and inexpensive procedures to assist operators, transport managers and drivers. The document lists points of good practice for drivers ….read more
30th July 2019
The French government has announced that convicted drink-drivers across France will be given the opportunity to participate in an alcohol interlock rehabilitation programme, as an alternative to a driving ban, following successful trials in seven departments.
Drink-drivers found with a BAC level above 0.8 g/l will now be offered the possibility of installing an alcohol interlock for a period of between 6 months and 5 years rather than being subject to a ban from driving. The courts will also have the power to reduce the fines imposed, to offset the cost of installing and renting the device – fees which are paid by the driver.
In 2017, 1,035 people lost their lives in a collision involving a driver above the authorised blood alcohol limit in France. In the same year, the police recorded 123 926 alcohol offences or 20.8% of all road traffic offenses. More information (in French):
Highway Code: Rule changes for signs on UK motorways
Today (25 July 2019) Highway Code rule 258 has been updated to provide details about red ‘x’ signs on motorways.
The changes are to reflect amends made to The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) 2016 regarding lane closures.
For a full list click here……
The General Assembly of the UICR took place last weekend in the beautiful city of Zagreb in Croatia. The two-day event was hosted by the Croatian Drivers Association. The Assembly addressed the many issues that face todays professional driver. Member Countries voted the incoming Executive Council and Croatia was selected as the host County for the 2020 World Championships. The European Professional Drivers Association made a presentation on the Driver Registration & Recognition Project, which was very well received and it is now moving to the next stage of the process.
Circle K Gorey Service Area Officially Open For Business
Professional HGV Drivers; Wally Mc Kenna, Matty Bolger and MJ Holland at the official opening of the New Gorey Service Area. Circle K opened the much waited Gorey service area on the M11. The level of services available on the site are very impressive, for the professional driver Circle K have taken the needs of the modern day Professional HGV and Coach driver into account.… more
The EU has taken a major step towards better working conditions for truck drivers after the European Parliament (EP) voted in favour of the mobility package. MEP’s will now negotiate a compromise with European transport ministers and the European Commission to put a stop to driver exploitation, letterbox companies and unfair pay. >>>>>>>>>> more information >>>>>>

Lorries at sea – Urgent Safety Advice
Urgent safety advice has been issued by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) to all lorry drivers who use ferries. This follows an incident where lorries toppled over on a ferry vehicle deck while at sea, with drivers still in their cabs. One driver was trapped and had to be freed by emergency services. International regulations prohibit passengers, including lorry drivers, from staying on the vehicle decks when at sea………read more
The Growing Use Of LCV’s on International Transport.
Do drivers of Light Goods Vehicles engaged in International transport need the same level of support as their HGV counterparts? We asked the President of the UICR and the President of the EPDA that very question …….read here

Information sheet prepared by the RSA on the potential outcomes of Brexit, This information will inform professional drivers of the possible impact on travelling to both the UK and the EU and provide valuable assistance in dealing with new exit/entry procedures which may arise due to the UK departing the European Union..…click here
Union of International Chauffeurs and Routiers (UICR) travelled to Dublin meet the EPDA
Left to Right – President EPDA Walter Pisarnik, President UICR Robert Kastner, Circle K Dublin Port Manager Des Walsh , EPDA Chairman Barry Lyons
The EPDA had the honour of welcoming the UICR President Mr. Robert Kastner to Ireland. The UICR represent over 1.4 million drivers across Europe and represent a significant number of drivers in countries outside Europe such as Canada, Uruguay and Zimbabwe. Our interview with Robert was a most informative one. Our experiences in Ireland are reflected in all countries across Europe. Interestingly Robert was very impressed with the work the EPDA has undertaken on driver wellness. Circle Kay were very supportive of the visit and they provided the visitors with the facilities in Dublin Port. An in-depth interview was arranged between the UICR and EPDA Presidents and we will publish the whole interview on the website in the coming days. Read the full interview…… here
The Driver Famine Barry Lyons What most companies are seeing as a driver shortage is in actual fact a loss of a complete labour force unfolding before them. It can be likened to the change from horse drawn carriages to the change over to the motor vehicle. There are many factors at play here and the road transport industry has not kept pace with the effects of the changes that were introduced in the past four decades and in turn has found that while demand for its labour requirement is increasing the labour force willing and capable of servicing the industry is decreasing.There are more drivers leaving the industry than taking up the role of professional driver. To read the rest of the article click here ___________________________________________
Pic Courtesy of the BBC
To get you up to speed on a hard border scenario from an insurance perspective, the Motor Insurance Bureau of Ireland have provided us with a Q&A that relates to the provision of Green Cards to Irish registered motor vehicles in the event that a ‘no deal’ Brexit. In that situation a motorist with an Irish registered motor vehicle who wishes to drive it in Northern Ireland or elsewhere in the UK will require a Green Card. Green Cards will not be required for Irish registered motor vehicles if there is an agreement reached between the EU and UK on the Brexit process, or until the expiry of any transitional period (should one be agreed). The current expected Brexit date is 29th March 2019. Should that date be delayed then the requirement for Green Cards will also be pushed back. Take me to the Q&A
Check out the results of Team Ireland at the World Professional Driver Championships……
Top 10 Truths About Distracted Driving Technology can provide invaluable driver assistance however it can also provide driver distraction. Distracted Driving is the new ‘Drink Driving’. Professional Drivers will be aware of the dangers technology can bring however it is advisable to keep up to date with the problems.……..check out the top 10 truths about distracted driving.
The EPDA wish our team the very best of luck in this weekends World Professional Driver Championships. Many thanks to all of the sponsors and well wishers. The team will be posting pictures on the EPDA Facebook page. If you want to know how the competition works follow this link ………..
Don’t get Blown Away This Winter
Status Red Alert now possible as Met Eireann update warnings to say gusts over 130km/h possible. Professional Drivers are advised to take extra care with opening doors and curtains. Take extra care with vulnerable road users, cyclsits, pedestrians and the elderly who may easily get blown off course. For professional tips click here…
Ireland’s professional drivers take on the best in the world.
The World Professional Driver Championships is taking place in Ghent, Belgium from the 27th of September until the 1st of October. Ireland will be represented by a team of five who will compete against twenty-two other Nations. The competition tests the knowledge as well as the driving skills of the drivers. An Eco driving section is also being contested for in their C+E section by Team Ireland. Click here to Meet the Team
Pamela Dennison Competes for Ireland in the CE category along with Brendan Conlon and Matt Kavanagh
Drivers Unite A meeting of professional drivers took place in Roscrea on Saturday the 1st September. This well attended meeting raised a number of issues facing drivers today…….read more
As a professional driver you will be very aware of dangers that extreme weather conditions create on the roads. With the long dry spell road surfaces will be coated in an oil like substance which when covered by rain will cause a loss of traction. This will be very notable on areas of the road network where a lot of traffic braking and or turn takes place, s as the approach to junctions and on roundabouts would be a good example. Also take extra care on regional and local roads where heavy deposits of dried in clay may be on the surface at the entrance to fields and agricultural facilities. Here are some top tips………
Driver Health & Wellness Moves Forward
The Association had a very productive meeting with Declan Allen, Assistant Head of Department of Management Studies, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) and Dr. Mary Kinahan a Lecturer in Organisational Psychology in DIT. The EPDA representatives Barry Lyons and Walter Pisarnik, presented the data collected from the Long-Haul HGV and Coach Driver Survey. Both Declan and Dr. Kinahan were very impressed with the detail of the data and the combination of the completed questionnaires and the accompanying bio-metrics data… more

Circle K just opened City North Service area. Located just off Junction 7 on the M1 beside the enterence to the City Noeth Hotel. The full 24 hour service area it is conviently located for HGV’s and Coaches heading in and out of Dublin City. This service area is the only 24 hour full access service area on the M1 and is being very well received by professional drivers. read more……
M50 Close Call
All lanes were temporarily blocked after a transporter jack-knifed on the M50 northbound between Junction 9 and Junction 7 on Thursday the 19th April causing large volumes of traffic to come to a complete standstill.
The Gardai said it was due to a single vehicle collision. ” Fortunately, the driver was uninjured, and we have had no report of any other injuries.
Can you see anything in the picture above that may have contributed to the loss of control? Best answers get and EPDA pin badge. Email your answers along with your name and postal address to
(Picture Courtsy of Dublin Fire Brigade)
23rd April 2108 The world’s largest short sea roll-on roll-off vessel was christened the Celine by Leo Varadkar in Dublin Port last Friday morning. With champagne still wet from the launch it got its nick name the Brexit Buster.
The ship is by any stretch of the imagination simply massive and is moored at a specially built quay in the Port.
It can accommodate more than 600 lorries and is almost twice the size of any ferry currently operating out of Dublin Port. If all the parking lanes on the 235m long boat were laid end to end, it would stretch to almost 8 kilometres.
It is hoped its size will allow hundreds of thousands of additional tonnes of freight go to and from the Continent each year, bypassing Britain and the border controls and paperwork that may be inevitable if a hard Brexit becomes a reality.
We have not heard about the facilities on board for drivers but no doubt some of you will be on board and send us a full report.
The new Circle K Service Station located at J14 M8, Fermoy which opened this afternoon. The site has a full facilities and includes a Truck Stop with diesel, gas oil & pumped Adblue all available. Coach, truck parking & driver showers are available for or those needing a break. The site serves Simply Great Coffee, Cantina – with the Mexican food offer and award winning Deli. The shop will open 24 Hours/7 days a week – well worth a visit. Read more………

First Reported Fatality by a Self Driving Vehicle in Autonomous Mode took place in Arizona on the 18th March 2018…… more
The second cycle for the Driver CPC is this year for Bus & Coach Drivers and for drivers who drive Bus, Coach and Truck. To give us an understanding of the current take up for Driver CPC we are asking you to assist us by completing a very short online survey. Click here to complete the survey.
Rouge operators fit emulators to reduce toll charges and the cost of filling up with Adblue. The Authorities will prosecute those who fit cheat devices to their vehicles and could lose their good repute. Topaz have provided a list of Adblue pump locations. They are opening up more locations in the coming here to view the list

Important Message For Professional Drivers
The Road Safety Authority are charged alongside An Garda Siochana with enforcing drivers hours regulations.
Under the current extreme weather conditions, Professional Drivers are given the very onerous responsibility of making critical safety and judgement decisions. While the rule book should not be thrown out the window, Professional Drivers will find themselves in situations that may require a deviation from the regulations. Less experienced road users will find these extreme weather conditions very challenging and Professional Drivers will be paying particular attention to vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and the elderly as these groups need to be given extra room and time to get about……read more
Should I Stay or Should I Go
Snow and ice can create extremely difficult conditions that can cause a lot of stress for HGV, Bus and Coach drivers. No matter how experienced a driver is, they will always be under stress in such conditions. We have put together a few tips that may just get you out of a tricky situation.….check them out here
Did you hear from the Drivers ?
The internet is full of announcements about the introduction of driverless vehicles. Earlier this week it was reported a truck drove from California to Florida without a driver at the controls. The article was accompanied with video footage from behind the passenger seat showing the truck cruising off down the highway without anyone at the wheel. It also had footage from the air, the whole thing looked picture perfect, the future is now the future is driverless. It seems from these many reports that manufacturers will be rolling out this technology in the very near future. A mining company in Alberta Canada announced that it will be letting 150 drivers go as it introduces driverless trucks and is even retrofitting some if its existing fleet to fully automated. A transport operator dream come true………continued
Are the Wheels Coming Off Driver CPC ?
“The European Parliament’s transport committee has backed changes to professional driver training rules that could lead to large numbers of lorries being driven by drivers who have received no professional training in addition to their regular HGV driving license. Is this a wind down of Driver CPC? …… more

112 Slovak trucks confiscated in action against social dumping in Zeebrugge
21st November 2017 In a coordinated action against social dumping no less than 112 Slovakian tractors were seized on a business park in Zeebrugge. This is what Filiep De Ketelaere reports of the labor lawyer Gent, West Flanders department.
The Federal Judicial Police for West Flanders and the social inspection services have invaded North Sea Express (NSE) yesterday (20 Nov 2017). The company relies on the Slovak East Transport Leasing (ETL) subcontractor for transport assignments. Especially Romanian drivers work at ETL. During the raid, the offices of NSE were also searched.
The Romanian truckers present were interviewed by the researchers..….read more
EU STUDY IDENTIFIES THE EXTENT OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN ROAD TRANSPORT A recently published study commissioned by the European Parliament Transport Committee (Tran) has compiled the current problems of the European road haulage sector with regard to social and working conditions. The study illustrates the main issues of social dumping, illegal cabotage, and the shortage of adequate parking facilities…….continue reading
UK Drivers Hours Changes Come into Effect Today the 1st November in the UK but not the same in Northern Ireland
The 1st of November was the start of a new enforcement policy on ‘Drivers Hours’ offences in the UK by the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). The new regulation allows for fixed penalty charges to be applied for current offences and for offences committed in the past 28 days whether committed in the UK or in another member state.
However this fixed penalty charge is not in Northern Ireland (NI). In NI the Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA) can prosecute for current and previous offences only by way of a Court appearance.….read more
UK drivers’ hours regulations – changes to fines for commercial drivers driving in the UK Changes relating to the fixed penalties issued by both, DVSA and police officers for drivers’ hours and tachograph offences are due to be made soon. Firstly, the maximum number of different offences for which fixed penalties can be issued on a single occasion will rise to 5.
Secondly and arguably more significant, penalties will also be issued that include previous offences committed during the previous 28 days…. click to read more
Are we there Yet?…….Are we there Yet?….. Are we there Yet?The excitement around the opening of the Gorey Services on the M11 is palpable. After waiting almost two years to get the rest area reopened, many professional drivers will be delighted that the new service providers will be Topaz rather than Applegreen. There is absolutely no doubting that the services provided by Topaz at their Cashel, Dublin Port, Monaghan and Kill service areas provide the much needed 24 hour access to their service buildings than any other Motorway service provider. We do hope that the Gorey service area will open 24/7 providing much needed rest and recuperation facilities for HGV and Coach drivers. We have asked Topaz to send us details of the site and services and will let you have all the information by email as soon as they get it to us. If you have any ideas that would help make this service area a must visit site please let us know and we will be pleased to forward your ideas to Topaz… here to comment.
Driver Health & Wellness Survey Next Free Health Screenning Thursday 12th October Wednesday 18th October Tuesday 24th October 15.00 – 20.00 Topaz Dublin Port
*All local, national and long-haul drivers are invited to participate in the 2017 Professional Driver Health & Wellness Survey. Please ask for the EPDA at Topaz in Dublin Port. Your Support will be much appreciated.
The survey has already started and the feedback and support from drivers has been very encouraging. The health check takes 10 minutes to complete and the results follow ten minutes after. Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and Body Mass Index are all provided Free to HGV and Coach drivers only.

Are they No Go Areas for HGV’s? Greenogue and Aerodrome Business Parks are one of Ireland’s biggest industrial campus (C. 350acres) with parking for six HGV’s. Yes six HGV’s. The developers state that “It is an important commercial and services centre for the region, comprising a mix of modern industrial, warehousing and manufacturing facilities. The campus is well laid out a with 24/7 on-site security. “
Services for HGV drivers are very limited and the EPDA are calling on the HSA and the RSA to engage with Transport Infrastructure Ireland, the Local Council and the Developer to ensure that adequate services are provided for drivers delivering and collecting from these estates.
Self service fuel is available on the site and there is a coffee shop that closes at 3pm.
21st September 2017 The Mirror reports that UK HGV drivers are facing tougher penalties if they drive for longer than allowed or take their regular weekly rest in the cab. The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency has announced £300 on the spot fines for drivers who break the rules. They are also looking to give out on the spot fines for offences committed in the past 28 days. So if you drive a truck and regularly use busy haulage routes like the A1 and A19 , this is for you. The crackdown is designed to catch drivers who ignore tachograph limits on hours spent at the wheel.

Professional Truck Driver Appreciation Week November 10-16
Professional Truck Driver Appreciation week was created to commemorate and support the industry professionals who work daily to deliver road passengers and goods. Truck & Coach drivers are hardworking men and women who make personal and social sacrifices to ensure that their consignments are delivered safely and on time regardless of the time of day or weather conditions. These drivers improve our overall quality of life by making personal commitments to ensure that our critical goods like, food, medicine, construction materials, refuse collections, fuel for fuel stations and power plants and supplies for our manufacturing more.
9th September CPC Deadline

Its that time of year for most HGV and Coach drivers to have their periodic training completed before the 9th of September. Many drivers will be on the second cycle. A note of caution, if you are booking your course , make sure that you check that you have not already completed the course you are booking. You can go online and register on the Driver CPC Portal @ or call the RSA on 09625015 and ask them what modules you can do.
1st June Ireland’s First Average Speed Camera Enforcement System Goes Live in Dublin Port Tunnel.Professional drivers are very aware of the benefit of the Dublin Port Tunnel, its well located, easy to use, its toll free and cuts out having to drive through congested city traffic. The tunnels is designed to move port freight and passenger traffic and currently transports most of the aviation fuel used in Dublin Airport. It was announced last June by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and An Garda Siochana that a new average speed detection system would be installed in the tunnel, which would track drivers and calculate their speed through its 4.5km distance…..continued
31st May New report maps out global action on driver jobs and legal issues in the light of Driver-less Trucks.
Automated road freight will save costs, reduce emissions, make roads safer. But the impact on driver jobs requires a managed transition, says study. Governments must consider ways to manage the transition to driver-less trucks in order to avoid potential social disruption from job losses, says a new report published by the International Transport Forum (ITF) with three partner organisations. Self-driving trucks will help save costs, lower emissions and make roads safer. They could also address the shortage of professional drivers faced by road transport industry, the study says… read more and download the report click here

29th May A big thanks to the organisers of the Waterford Truck Show. Our health screening team checked the health of over 20 drivers. Wife’s and daughters were on hand to make sure that their beloved husbands got screened. We had 18 survey forms completed, we are now well on target for 200 surveys. The Professional Driver Health & Wellness survey is the largest survey of our long haul HGV and Coach Drivers ever undertaken in the state.
17th May 2017 Driver Shortage in the UK
At the UK’S premier road transport conference today there were two very interesting presentations outlining the developments in the Internet of things and information technology being deployed by two of the UK’S best known fleet operators Eddie Stobart and Bibby Distribution. …….read more
Mon 08/05/2017 – 12:06 Michaël Torfs Flanders News Belgium

Police have raided some 20 offices of the transport company Jost Group. The action was part of a large-scale investigation into social fraud. Investigators suspect Jost evaded social security contributions worth millions of euros between 2014 and 2016. There are also allegations about human trafficking. “This is about serious and organised social fraud”, the federal judicial authorities say. Jost denies the allegations. Jost Group is suspected of establishing fake companies in Romania and Slovakia in order to employ over 1,100 drivers from these countries while systematically skipping social security contributions in Belgium.…. read more
Gorey Services The Ligths are on but Nobody’s Home
Built in May 2015 OPENING …….MAY 20??
Read more……….
6th May The EPDA are holding an open meeting in the West County Hotel in Chapelizod at 16.00 – 17.30
For Discussion: Review of Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s Management of Motorway Service Areas. Are adequate services being provided in our Motorway Service Areas? Why is access to the commercial rest area closed from 23.00 until 06.00? Why is the M11 Gorey Service area not open after being built in 2015? _____________________________________
Also an update on the Driver Health & Wellness Survey progress and findings to date. Kevin Hurley will give us an over view of the the key findings to date. __________________________________________
A review of the Driver CPC since its inception in 2008. 10 years on and where to now? Walter Pisarnik will outline the approach that the EPDA are taking in meeting the needs of the driver.

April 14th Dutch truck drivers reject new collective agreement Despite the increase in wages, the new contract means a worsening of working conditions for many drivers. Strikes now threaten..… read more
April 13th EU wants to increase road safety On EU roads, 25,500 people were killed last year. The transport ministers of the European Union want to change this. At a recent EU Transport Ministers Conference in Malta, all EU countries adopted the so-called Valletta Declaration. Together, the 28 EU countries as well as Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania want to increase the road safety on the roads of their respective countries by 2030 and reduce the numbers of traffic fatalities and injuries….read more

12th April, Road Side Drug Testing
From today An Garda Siochana will be able to test for drugs at the roadside via a drug detection tool called the Drager 5000. This device will be used detect Cocaine, Opiates (like morphine and heroin), benzodiazepines (Valium-like drugs) and Cannabis in drivers.
This builds upon previous efforts to tackle drug driving such as roadside impairment testing in 2014. The Road Safety Authority will front a nationwide educational campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of drug driving.. How safe are you……read more
8th April Dutch truck drivers reject new collective agreement Despite the increase in wages, the new contract means a worsening of working conditions for many drivers. Strikes now threaten… more
6th April The Polish Supreme Court has largely agreed to the wishes of the Polish transport industry for overnight lorry drivers on international trips. The Constitutional Court in Warsaw withdrew an older judgment at the end of last year and forwarded the case to the Supreme Court.…read more
Today 31st March the Federal Council of Germany confirmed once and for all: it is forbidden for professional drivers to spend the weekly rest in the vehicle cab.
Germany is the fourth EU Member State – after Belgium, France and the Netherlands – to enforce the requirements set in the driving and rest time rules: the driver can only spend the daily and reduced weekly rest in the vehicle, and that only with the driver’s consent. Great Britain is considering similar measures. read more…….. A truck service area in Siegburg, Germany, in 2010 Photograph by Dirk Kruell/Redu
30th March European Commission Road Initiative The European Commission is currently evaluating the measures with the view to include in the upcoming
Road Initiative, a legislative package supposed to be launched in only 2 months. The message of the ETF delegation, coach drivers and trade union representatives from Belgium, Spain and Denmark, was clear: drivers cannot work or drive longer hours and rest for less without becoming a real and unwilling threat for their own safety, for the safety of their passengers, for the safety of other road users. ETF union officials called the bundle of measures ‘a way to legalise social dumping’ and pointed out to the fact that the sector will become even less attractive for young people. Continued here…….
17th March 2017 Heading out to the UK? For the updated penalty table of The Highway Code March 2017….click here
1st March 2017 In the UK from 1 March 2017, the penalties for using a hand-held mobile phone while driving increase to 6 points and a £200 fine.
Your case could also go to court and you could be disqualified from driving or riding and get a maximum fine of £1,000. Drivers of buses or goods vehicles could get a maximum fine of £2,500.
It’s illegal to use a hand-held phone or similar device while driving, or riding a motorcycle.
The rules are the same if you’re stopped at traffic lights or queuing in traffic It’s also illegal to use a hand-held phone or similar device when supervising a learner driver or rider.
You must stay in full control of your vehicle at all times. The police can stop you if they think you’re not in control because you’re distracted. This includes if you’re using devices like your sat nav or car radio.
When you can use a phone in your vehicle If you’re the driver, you can only use your phone in a vehicle if
- you need to call 999 or 112 in an emergency and it’s unsafe or impractical to stop
- are safely parked
24th February 2017 EU transport ministers back ‘ambitious’ vehicle safety improvements …read more
23rd February 2017
An Garda are increasing their use of road-side saliva testing technology in a bid to boost enforcement of drug driving. Testing begins this Easter ……read more
22nd February An Garda Siochana are investigation the death of a man who was found at the Amber service station in Fermoy, Co Cork. The victim, who’s body remained at the scene this morning, is understood to have been a foreign national who lived in the area. The incident happened around 10.30pm last night and his body remains at the scene. Another man in his late 30s was also injured the incident and that he was been taken to Cork University Hospital, with injuries which are believed to be non-life threatening. An altercation is believed to have broken out between four men last night. It is believed that two Drivers were involved and an iron bar was found at the scene which gardaí now suspect was used during the incident. Two other men, again believed foreign national drivers, who were parked up at the service area last night were arrested at the scene and are currently being held at garda stations in Fermoy and Mallow. The site of the incident has been preserved by garda technical teams and the Assistant State Pathologist Ms, Bolster is believed to be examining the body for the actual cause of death.
19th February 2017
LOWER SPEED LIMIT ZONES EXTENDED IN DUBLIN CITYTo protect the growing number of vulnerable road users in Dublin city, Dublin City Council is to introduce new 30kph speed limit zones.
New zones with the lower 30kph will be introduced in three phases, with the first phase starting on the 27th of March followed by the second phase, on the 29th of May. The start date and the zone to be designated in the final phase has yet to be agreed. For further information and a downloadable copy of the map …click here
20th January 2017
Eu Rules Come Under Pressure , How Fair is That? A study on international driving reveals that, taken as a whole, the cost-gap in terms of driving personnel is enormous. “The same hour’s driving in the same lorry on the same road with the same goods can cost €8 per hour or €33 per hour depending on whether the driver is employed by a Bulgarian company or a Belgian company,” The total annual cost of an EU international lorry driver ranges from €16,000 for a Bulgarian haulier to €56,000 for a Belgian haulier. “From the perspective of the drivers, who cross paths at the truck stops, these are more than mere figures,” EU road freight study highlights ‘untenable’ competitiveness gaps (Source: Lloyds Loading List, 22nd November 2016) A comparative study of employment and pay conditions of international lorry drivers in 15 European countries has highlighted huge disparities in operating costs that suggest harmonisation in road hauliers’ operating conditions and competitiveness across the EU appears to be as far away as ever….read more
11th January 2017 Údarás Náisiúnta Iompair, National Transport Authority
Statement by National Transport Authority on bus services in rural communities
Tim Gaston, Director of Public Transport Services said: “Suggestions that decisions made by the National Transport Authority (NTA) in granting commercial licences to bus operators have been to blame for the difficulties being experienced by Bus Éireann, simply do not stand up to scrutiny. “The notion that there is saturation on the inter-city corridors served by Expressway services, and that the NTA grants licences to operators at the drop of a hat, is well wide of the mark. “In fact since 2011, we have rejected almost as many applications for licences on these key routes, as we have granted. “In any case, over 80 per cent of Bus Éireann passengers travel on their subsidised services, which are under no threat whatsoever, with just 19 per cent using their commercial services such as Expressway. “Our primary responsibility in law is to the travelling public, and when we assess an application for a commercial licence, we do so with this in mind, while looking at a whole range of considerations including likely passenger demand, impact on existing services and impact on subsidised services. “It has consistently been the case that where new licences are issued in these markets, that overall passenger numbers have increased, in many cases, very significantly. For example, between 2012 and 2015, total bus passenger numbers on the Cork Dublin Corridor increased by 61 per cent, while on the Limerick Dublin Corridor, they increased by 50 per cent. “In other words, rather than saturating the market, what we have actually done is increase public transport capacity, and in so doing enabled many more journeys to be undertaken on the bus network. “Unfortunately, there has been some level of confusion in discourse around Bus Éireann in recent days and weeks, and it is crucial to reassure the company’s customers, particularly in rural areas by looking at the facts of the matter. “Bus Éireann commercial services like Expressway, account for only 19 per cent of all the company’s passengers. “81 per cent of Bus Éireann passengers are on routes subsidised under the Public Service Obligation (PSO) Contract that the company has entered with NTA. “This will not change, and these services are under no threat. In fact they have been a huge success story in recent years, with passenger numbers continuing to increase. Last week the NTA published figures for 2016, which indicated a 5.5 per cent increase in passengers on Bus Éireann subsidised services, jumping from 30.2m in 2015 to 32m last year. “Subvention for these services by the NTA to Bus Éireann increased from €34m in 2014, to €40m in 2016. And that figure is likely to go up again in 2017. The NTA successfully made a case for an increase from the state for PSO funding, and this year we will be allocating €262.6m in public transport subsidies to operators including Bus Éireann, up from €236.6 in 2016. “If it is the case that some Expressway services are discontinued at local level, NTA will, as our track record proves, step in and ensure that local demands for public transport are met. We will not leave any rural communities behind. “It is the duty of the NTA to ensure that as many people as possible, in all parts of this country, have access to a safe, reliable and value-for-money public transport service, and we will continue to discharge our responsibilities in that regard, without fear or favour.”
The Cost of Being a Professional Driver
Costs associated with being a professional driver have been on the increase since 2006. A recent article stated that the cost to the Irish driver pool could be in the order of € 5 million per annum. This excludes ADR, Manual Handling, Airport Security Clearance or Safe Pass training and certification. We have put togehter a small survery for you to complete and let us know what your views……….click here to read more.
EPDA to Undertake Driver Health & Wellness Survey
December 2016 The EPDA is pleased to announce that it will undertake the largest health and wellness survey of professional drivers ever undertaken in the Country in recent times. The first phase of the survey will be undertaken in Dublin Port starting in January 2017 and it will gather information on the health and wellness of 200 long haul HGV and Coach drivers. The second phase of the study will look at the health and wellness of Local and National HGV and Coach Drivers. The EPDA has yet to identify a suitable number of locations to conduct this part of the survey. We will be looking to do this survey at service areas located throughout the Country. The aim of the survey is to evaluate the health and wellness state of our professional drivers and to compare them with the rest of the population. This will allow us to ensure that our drivers are provided with targeted information and interventions to ensure their wellness and the safety of all road users. We would like to thank all of those who have supported this very important initiative, namely the Road Safety Authority, Health & Safety Authority, Safefood Ireland, Dr Cornish of UCD, HealthReach and Topaz Dublin Port. Without the support from these organisations we would not be able to undertake such a worthwhile exercise.
Details of screening venues will be advised in due course. If you want to find out more about the Driver Health & Wellness survey please email
Bus Drivers Need To Make Healthy Choices
A study of research from different countries was compiled in 2000 to give to Doctors who treated bus Drivers information about conditions that have a high incidence among bus Drivers compared to other working sectors. The study document brought the attention of the Doctor to conditions that Drivers are prone to such as the following: Back Disorders, Benzene Toxicity, Brain Tumours, Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardio Vascular Disease. While it is sixteen years since this research was undertaken not much has changed since. What we do know is that early intervention is key to a good outcome for the Driver. The Driver CPC Module 3 addresses some of the matters raised in the study however the seriousness of the dangers posed to Driver health seems to be down played. Drivers should know the health conditions that they are susceptible to and should be able to make the necessary lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of being effected by such conditions. Read the full study…here
An Garda SíochánaNov 24 DMR commercial vehicle unit stop vehicle on M1 Lusk. with a Magnet detected on sender unit. Disabled tachograph,speed limiter & odometer. Driver was arrested and is now facing very serious charges.
Interfering with the tachograph or speed limiter really makes no sense, it is a very stupid thing to do. The consequences could be tragic for the Driver and for other road users. If this vehicle was involved in a serious collision and the magnet was detected the Driver could do some time behind bars. The Driver would have little or no defense to offer.
Vehicles now record all of their activities in their on-board computers, most vehicles now have some form of GPS tracking. Both of these systems will give exact details of the vehicles activities and location and speed regardless of the tachograph.
Well done to An Garda Siochana in detecting this.
Irish Rail name calling not the way to go…….
The latest campaign by Irish Rail, highlights an inability to effectively deal with the very serious bridge strike issue, as a name calling exercise is not what is required to solve the very serious problem of bridge strikes. The EPDA will call on the Minister for Transport Mr Shane Ross to have an expert panel carry out a review of the bridge strikes involving HGV’s that have taken place in the past five years and compel Irish Rail to fully support the review. This is a very serious matter as striking an over-head bridges in the City could as easily be the same as striking an overhead power line for the Luas, which could have very serious consequences for anyone in the vicinity of such an incident. The EPDA cant over emphasise the seriousness of this issue and expect that the Minister will treat it in the same light.
September 21st is European Road Safety Pledge Day Let’s work together to reduce death and serious injury on Europe’s roads… For more information … here Take the Pledge visit
Irish Rail Brand HGV Drivers as Dummies!
Jane Cregan a spokesperson for Irish Rail as branded HGV drivers who strike bridges as “Dummies who’s level of intelligence is questionable”. Irish Rail have seen an increase in the number of bridge strikes this year compared to last year. They believe that by branding these drivers as Dummies that it will increase awareness of bridge heights and reduce the number of strikes. When we spoke to Ms. Cregan and questioned her on the particulars of the bridge strikes in question she declined to offer information on the actual strikes themselves as such information in protected under the data protection regulations. There is no question in Ms. Cregan’s mind that the Driver is solely responsible for a bridge strike. We asked had the bridges referred to been struck in the past and we were informed that the bridges around the canal area had been hit 26 times last year. And still the Dummy Drivers are totally at fault. The EPDA has written to Mr. David Franks looking for Jane Cregan to withdraw her remarks and apologise to HGV Drivers. This problem is not going away, we will keep you posted.
CVRT for the Driver?Think about this for a moment, the vehicle you drive everyday must undergo a Commercial Vehicle Road-worthiness Test (CVRT) annually, a Service Inspection (SI) on anything between 8 – 12 weeks in addition to a Daily Drivers Walk around inspection before it can operate on public roads. What about the Driver???.….. Read more
Busman’s holiday! So you are a professional driver, and one of your friends just happened to mention that as such, you are the best qualified to drive a group to the Euros – a French road trip with sooo much fun for everyone. In fact, it would work out to be cheaper than flights, airport transfers and accommodation – “sure we can throw in a tent and sleep under the stars” …… the strains of “Joxer goes to Stuttgart” plays in your head and you begin to think it is a good idea too.
Be warned, France is probably best served by the amount of Law Enforcement officers of all EU member states …. and they issue fines like they are going out of fashion. ….. read more
June Bank Holiday Weekend
Plenty of Sun and Fun to be had over the weekend. But for many truck and coach drivers it is a very busy time of year. Make sure that you and your loved ones are safe this weekend and get the message out there that one drink is too many if you are driving. Remember that 25% off all drivers arrested for being over the limit are caught in the morning time after a few drinks the night before. The RSA have just released a report….read more
RSA Surveys
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is currently undertaking two reviews – one concerning reducing the risk behaviours and increasing the safety of professional drivers and the other is concerned with alternative sanction options. Find out more here. The Road Safety Authority has launched two surveys to seek insights and views from the public on:
1. The feasibility of alternative sanction options to deal with non-compliance by road haulage and road passenger operators and drivers with the EU driving time regulations and roadworthiness related legislation (Action 93 of the Government’s Road Safety Strategy 2013-2020).
2. Whether maximum driving times should be introduced for professional drivers not subject to the EU rules on tachograph use and driving times and what they should be with a view to reducing collision risks (Action 122 of the Government’s Road Safety Strategy 2013-2020). Once the survey results are analysed, proposals will be made for consideration by the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to:
· Enhance the effectiveness of existing enforcement to increase compliance by operators and drivers of commercial vehicles with key road safety rules.
· Enhance the road safety of professional drivers who are outside of the scope of the EU rules on tachograph use and driving times.
Driver Receives Fixed Penalty Notice For Driving In the Outside Lane Of The M3.