Penalty Points and Fixed Penalties

Ignoring the law will cost you dearly. Penalty points are a record of your driving
performance over a sustained period of time. Compared to other motorist’s
professional drivers are at a disadvantage when it comes to penalty points and
particularly HGV, Coach and Bus drivers. Not alone can the points cause an
increase in motor insurance premiums, but get too many and you will find yourself out
of work. 

Drivers should also be aware that some comapny insurance policys may sipulate that
drivers with more that six penalty points may not be permitted to drive company vehilces.  
Therefore if you are caught driving you car without a seat belt on the way to work and
later that day you use a vehicle without a valid test certificate , you may lose
your income. How fair is that?

We have listed the most up to date penalty point chart and we have a
copy you can down load and keep with you for reference.

Many drivers complain that the lack of enforcement actually is the cause of
professional drivers receiving penalty points for driving in the outside lane of a
motorway. While most HGV drivers are aware of the rule the majority of motorists are
either unaware or unsure of the rule. To make it perfectly clear, drivers of vehicles
above 3.5tons are not allowed in the outside lane of a motorway.
It would be very useful if the RSA and the NRA would make the
general public aware of this rule by using road signage as they do in other

The use of mobile phones that are not hands free are not permitted while driving
and this includes the use of Bluetooth ear pieces. If you get caught using an ear
piece and think that this is recognised as hands free you could be facing prosecution
and receiving three penalty points.

Professional drivers must also be aware of the fixed penalty charges that were introduced
in August 2012. These relate in particular to markings and lights. A driver can receive a fixed
penalty charge at the roadside for having defective lights or side and tail markings.