Stoneridge SE5000 transitional smart 2 tachograph error message
Stoneridge SE5000 transitional smart 2 tachograph error message
Some Stoneridge SE5000 transitional smart 2 tachograph devices are wrongly displaying and recording an error message.
‘Hardware sabotage’ or ‘GNSS Anomaly’ will be displayed on the screen and an event will be recorded in the tachograph.
If a driver sees this error message, we advise them to take a manual printout so they can present this at a roadside stop if needed.
Impact on tachograph devices
We have received assurances from Stoneridge that this error does not affect the working of the tachograph. It will continue to operate correctly, even when displaying the message.
Vehicle operators can still use vehicles with these tachographs fitted. No action will be taken when this issue is identified in isolation.
Stoneridge will publish details of any rectification when available.
Stoneridge are working on a fix and when they have it resolved the units will be updated with a fix at their next scheduled calibration.
Stoneridge Service Information Letter 23_012C
Travelling internationally
RSA, DVA and DVSA Enforcement Officers are informed, but we cannot currently advise how other enforcement agencies will handle this issue.