EPDA Driver Register

At a UICR meeting held in Gadmen, Switzerland over the weekend of the 15th to 17th November, a full agenda was presented to the board and invited guests of the UICR. The EPDA were represented by Walter Pisarnik and Barry Lyons. The aim of the meeting was three fold, firstly to make preparation plans for the forthcoming World Professional Driving Championships, secondly to review presentations made on projects of interest to the UICR and finally to assign UICR resources to specific projects.

The EPDA presented the Driver Register project that they have been developing. After the presentation there was a questions and answers session, with a considerable number of questions being asked by all attendees, demonstrating the interest in the project. At the end of the presentation the Board of the UICR overwhelmingly voted on fully supporting the project. President Robert Kastner will inform all twenty-three member countries to engage and provide support to the project. The UICR are committing three members to join the steering group developing the Register. The Driver Register is seen as a significant step towards professional recognition for drivers.