Professional Driver Register

In support of the role of the professional driver the EPDA are undertaking the development of a voluntary professional driver register. The register will record the skills, competencies and experience of professional drivers.


Why a Register?


Without a register all drivers are equal in terms of driver certification. State agencies issue licences to drive professionally. Drivers only have to take a driving test once in their career and only have to avail of mandatory training under Directive 2003/59.

With a register Professional Drivers can record additional training undertaken in the scope of their work. Additional training is credited in line with the European Qualification Framework. This process allows professional drivers to take full advantage of work and career opportunities.

Training already undertaken which contributes to the development of the drivers career and or to road safety or provides a social benefit will be registered. Transport Managers Certificate of Professional Competence, ADR, First Aid Responder, are examples of additional training that contribute to the career development of the professional driver.


How will a register support the role of the professional driver?

The role of the professional driver is not fully understood or clearly defined by the road transport industry. Advances in working methods combined with the very significant development of in vehicle technology as well as service demands placed on transport support staff have not taken changes to the role of the professional driver into account. The EU seen the need for driver training and provided the Driver Certificate of professional competence under directive 2003/59. However this is a one size fits all approach. Welcome as it is the Driver CPC does not meet the needs of today’s professional driver.


What can you do?

The EPDA want to hear from as many professional drivers as possible on, issues that create job satisfaction and issues that create the opposite effect. Such information would assist in creating a working solution.

Join with us in support the professional driver of the future. Send us your contact details and let us communicate together to promote the role.


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